You can check whether there is a domain name in the file that needs to be renewed automatically
SSL auto renew not working
Some of the entries under "orders" have the status active and some have pending. The pending ones are expired and are not getting renewed automatically
You can manually update all the certificates that need to be updated first, and then they will be updated automatically.
I found that a pending entry was no longer an active site and deleted it, I will try if it works now
I seem to be getting the same issue. I have tried manually several times but it just wont renew.
My next option is to just delete it and start over.
Any other suggestions before I do that?
Also, where are the logs stored for that action. It would be good to review them but they disapear.
So I went ahead and deleted the SSL cert and everything is working now. I still have the issue on several websites but I would love to understand the problem.
The other question I have is whenever I do a DNS verification the verification TXT record will change when I move away from the screen. This is kind of a pain because if my TTL is long I have to wait a very long period of time and have to stay on that screen. Would it make more sense to set that TXT record once so I could come back to it. And then give me the option to recycle that DNS verification if I wanted to?
Ok, took a little digging but I think I figured it out...
First, I noticed the DNS records didn't appear to match. Took a couple print screens so it would be nice to know where the logs are...
What I am realizing is that I moved this website from one server to another and all I did was copy and paste the SSL cert info so it worked the first time. But in the key the DNS validation is obviously stored.
My solution was to just delete the cert and reissue.
Hope this may help someone else.
On my cloudflare account there are 32 domains. When I try renew then certificate (manually or cron job) an error happens becouse the API request return only 20 domains per pagination.
"status": false,
"msg": "Error unable to get DNS zone for status_code=200 response=CLOUDFLARE_API_RESPONSE"
Following there is the CLOUDFLARE_API_RESPONSE
"result": [
"id": "7fh7s6h7s6s76j6s7j",
"name": "",
"status": "active",
"paused": false,
"type": "full",
"development_mode": 0,
"name_servers": ["", ""],
"original_name_servers": ["", ""],
"original_registrar": null,
"original_dnshost": null,
"modified_on": "2020-06-16T16:36:07.497069Z",
"created_on": "2020-06-16T14:31:34.296159Z",
"activated_on": "2020-06-16T16:36:07.497069Z",
"meta": {
"step": 2,
"wildcard_proxiable": false,
"custom_certificate_quota": 0,
"page_rule_quota": 3,
"phishing_detected": false,
"multiple_railguns_allowed": false
"owner": {
"id": "67d6h7adh7adhd5h6sd5h5e4dea46c0",
"type": "user",
"email": ""
"account": {
"id": "67d6h7adh7adhd5h6sd5h5e4dea46c0",
"name": "Company Account"
"permissions": [...],
"plan": {
"id": "0feeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee",
"name": "Free Website",
"price": 0,
"currency": "USD",
"frequency": "",
"is_subscribed": false,
"can_subscribe": false,
"legacy_id": "free",
"legacy_discount": false,
"externally_managed": false
"result_info": {
"page": 1,
"per_page": 20,
"total_pages": 2,
"count": 20,
"total_count": 32
"success": true,
"errors": [],
"messages": []
the cloudflare's tokens option instead email and global api key will be a great feature
On file /www/server/panel/class/
at line 204 I replaced
url = urljoin(self.CLOUDFLARE_API_BASE_URL, "zones?status=active")
url = urljoin(self.CLOUDFLARE_API_BASE_URL, "zones?status=active&name={0}".format(domain_name))
and works perfectly
I found a new issue. Let's Encrypt isn't renewing through file verification when "Force HTTPS" option is enabled.
I'm using aaPanel LinuxStable 6.8.6 and Nginx 1.18.0
Do you manually click to renew or in the cron?
- Edited
aaPanel_Jose the certificates have not been renewed automatically. when I'm going to renew automatically, I need to disable the option "force HTTPS" to renew manually.
I don't know what is causing the bug, but I suspect that the automatic renewal (which is configured in cron) is not working because HTTPS is forced.
Keep the "force HTTPS" option disabled should not be an alternative. When forcing HTTPS, this should make an exception for /.well-known/acme-challenge
, so Let's Encrypt validate de certificate in HTTP protocol at port 80
What you said makes sense, we will optimize it
Same here. Can't renew even manually if the website has force https activted.
Please review the SSL Renewal module because It was working fine in old AA panel after update it was not working and it is serious issue as many of my websites stop working due to this and I was not aware of it. Please fix this issue ASAP.
Hi, can you give us your aapanel information? The server makes a snapshot backup first, if possible, please send it to
It is recommended to fill in the following
Post link:
SSH IP address, account password and port:
aapanel login link address and account password:
Detailed problem description:
No post link will not be able to know which user's information is, and the problem will not be processed
Same problem
|-No SSL certificate found within 30 days!
With different sites on different servers and aapanels.
Hello, are you verifying using file verification?
If you use DNS, do you add the txt record manually?
Hi. I have the same problem.
System: Debian GNU/Linux 11 x86_64(Py3.12.3)
aapanel 7.0.8
verification TXT record
If I update SSL manually, everything works.