My bad, damn.
I installed PHP 7.4 and run with Phalcon 3.4.x, they didn't work together.
But, can you please check on this @aaPanel_Jose .
- From PHP 7.3, you had Phalcon as the extension, to install, it was really quick and easy for me.
- From PHP 7.4, we doesn't have it any more.
Can you please take sometime to have Phalcon 4 ready with 7.4.x?
Also, we had extension easily to install, but there's no Rewrite rule ready for it,
Here's my rule that working fine with aaPanel (both 3.4.x and 4.x), you can take mine to make the rule for the other, in the next update, it would be great Jose!
`try_files $uri $uri/ @rewrite;
location @rewrite {
rewrite ^/(.*)$ /index.php?_url=/$1;
Please let me know if I can help anythink (github issues, report, follow...)